置身巴莪河河口, 憑吊古战场。回顾500年前, 葡萄牙军与马六甲王朝军队的浴血大战。
500年前, 马六甲苏丹王朝在麻河与巴莪河交接地建造城堡, 以此为基地, 计划反攻马六甲.
1520年6月, 葡萄牙人率500军队追杀至此,搗毁城堡, 击跨苏丹军队。最后马六甲王朝就在此地寿终正寐。
Winstedt 寫道,1520年6月...葡軍司令加西亞.德.薩決定盡可能去摧毀麻坡河上的要塞巴莪,因為蘇丹的头目們是從這里向馬六甲發動進攻的。他率領一支由五百人組成的軍隊,其中一百五十名是葡萄牙人,進行一次猛烈的襲擊,把馬來人的艦隊和堡壘都燒毀掉。
The fortresses and fortifications of the Malayos were usually structures composed of earth placed between plank uprights.
" Nyboés” palms, very hard and strong, for constructing defences .... are used for fortifying the centres .
In addition to their fortifications, they dig deep pits in front of wooden fences; these pits contain traps and pointed sticks treated with poison; they also make use of holes covered with branches, and of traps set in ambush, with which they inflict much damage.
---- Godinho De Eredia 1613
The fortresses and fortifications of the Malayos were usually structures composed of earth placed between plank uprights.
" Nyboés” palms, very hard and strong, for constructing defences .... are used for fortifying the centres .
In addition to their fortifications, they dig deep pits in front of wooden fences; these pits contain traps and pointed sticks treated with poison; they also make use of holes covered with branches, and of traps set in ambush, with which they inflict much damage.
---- Godinho De Eredia 1613
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葡萄牙人筆下的馬來武士:沙龍、長矛、马来短劍、赤足,矛尖和剑锋有毒。 |
弓箭、长矛、巴冷刀和马耒Keris短剑、盾牌和喷筒。喷简射出的针头有毒, 马来短剑塗有剧毒,一般上马来人兵器上都塗毒液,尤其是箭头.
The armed forces of the Malayos make use of attacks and sallies in mass formation,...... ambush in the narrow paths and woods and thickets, and then make an attack with body of armed men.
The arms which they ordinarily use in warfare are the sword, shield, lance, bows and arrows, an:d blow-pipes with poisoned darts.The sword is called “Padan” , it has a single edge. The dagger, called Crîs" , is made of fine steel; it bears a deadly poison; the sheath is of wood; the hilt is of animals' horn, or of rare stone, or of gold and precious gems.
The steel is treated in such a way that every injury is followed by immediate death when the wound draws blood.
弓箭、长矛、巴冷刀和马耒Keris短剑、盾牌和喷筒。喷简射出的针头有毒, 马来短剑塗有剧毒,一般上马来人兵器上都塗毒液,尤其是箭头.
The armed forces of the Malayos make use of attacks and sallies in mass formation,...... ambush in the narrow paths and woods and thickets, and then make an attack with body of armed men.
The arms which they ordinarily use in warfare are the sword, shield, lance, bows and arrows, an:d blow-pipes with poisoned darts.The sword is called “Padan” , it has a single edge. The dagger, called Crîs" , is made of fine steel; it bears a deadly poison; the sheath is of wood; the hilt is of animals' horn, or of rare stone, or of gold and precious gems.
The steel is treated in such a way that every injury is followed by immediate death when the wound draws blood.
麻坡畫家Sabaria 筆下的文打煙战役,葡萄牙軍猛攻,馬來軍抵抗。 |